Saturday, November 15, 2008

Enough To Share

8x10 Acrylic on Canvas Board
Bid on this painting click here
There is always enough wine in the bottle to share with a friend. This is one of my favorite daily paintings so far. As always, I hope you like it too...T

Friday, November 14, 2008


8x10 Acrylic on canvas
bid on this painting bid here
This is a view of the moon shining through the live oaks last night. . .Hope you like it...T

Thursday, November 13, 2008


8x10 Acrylic On Canvas Board
Bid On This Painting Click Here
Sorry for the long time between posts. I have had lots of things on my plate lately. My mother had knee replacement surgery, my niece turned a year old, and Kara was out of school for a few days. I have also been teaching at Paint and Pals. I have been having a great time and hope some of you will come paint with me. We are designing some exciting new classes that should be on the calendar soon. ..T